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B'nai Mitzvah

Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is an important rite of passage. This experience marks the transition from childhood to responsible adulthood. 

Our Unique Approach
At Temple Shir Shalom, our approach to B'nai Mitzvah is unique for several reasons:

  1.  Individualized Experiences – The B'nai Mitzvah experience is not shared or "doubled". Each student will have the opportunity to lead services and become bar/bat mitzvah as an individual.
  2. Work Directly with Clergy – Each student has the benefit of working with all of our clergy. It is our philosophy that "we're in this together!" The clergy at Temple Shir Shalom want to know and study with each child and each family when they experience a life cycle event here.
  3. Learning to Lead – Our students do not just read from Torah and Haftorah. They lead the entire service from the Barechu through the Torah Reading. The reason for this is our core belief that our students should be able to pray at any temple or synagogue, anywhere in the world, as a result of what they have learned here at Temple Shir Shalom. 


Click here to request a B'nai Mitzvah Date Request for your child/children

Click here to download our B'nai Mitzvah Handbook

Click here to download our Service Information Sheet

Beyond B'nai Mitzvah
The responsibility for Jewish learning goes beyond bar and bat mitzvah. The B'nai Mitzvah process represents a beginning: the start of life as a more mature Jewish learner, one who is able to build on the skills and knowledge necessary to lead the congregation in worship and to read from Torah. It is our expectation that our B'nai Mitzvah students will remain engaged and involved in our Temple's formal and informal educational program, including participation in our youth group, SSTY.

Celebration Spaces Available
Temple Shir Shalom offers many options for celebrating your special simcha. You can choose to host a Shabbat dinner at Temple before the Friday evening service or host a luncheon following a Saturday morning service. Space is also available for a Saturday evening party, tailor-made to your family's needs. To discuss options, please contact the Temple office at (248) 737-8700. 

Platinum Dish Catering
Temple Shir Shalom's in-house caterer enjoys a reputation for outstanding food and service. Please contact Paul Wertz, proprietor of Platinum Dish Catering, or his staff for assistance in your oneg/party planning decisions. For more information, do not hesitate to call Platinum Dish Catering at (947) 207-9957. 

We depend on the generosity of our members to welcome and guide guests to their seats. If you would like to volunteer as an usher, click here to sign up to usher for b'nai mitzvah services. We appreciate your time!

Lifecycle         |        Baby Naming / Brit Milah        |        B'nai Mitzvah        |        Confirmation       |        Weddings       |        Remembering

PHOTO CREDITS: Deanna Spivey and Brett Mountain

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785