Fund Descriptions
Temple Shir Shalom Fund Descriptions
Adult and Children's Choir Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with programming for those with special needs.
Albert and Dorothy Fruman Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Fund: Restricted Fund supporting b’nai mitzvah families in need of assistance.
Art Fishman Burning Bush Fund: Restricted fund for the Burning Bush landscaping area at Temple.
Blank Family Endowment Fund: Restricted fund to benefit the musical programming for Temple Shir Shalom.
Cantor Penny M. Steyer Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Cantor Penny’s discretion towards strengthening our community.
Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden: Maintaining the sanctity and beauty of the Interfaith garden.
Chernack-Ronie Family Fund: Restricted fund supporting Introduction to Judaism Educational Programming.
Cooper Family Music Fund: Restricted fund supporting music programming, musicians in residence and other musical opportunities at Temple.
Dana Wartell Cancer Support Fund: Restricted fund providing support to families experiencing the challenges of cancer.
Dr. Marni Grossfeld Kurjan Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarships to students needing financial assistance.
Ed and Judie Narens Memorial Fund: Restricted fund supporting programming which brings temple members together.
Eleanor Smith Religious School Children's Scholarship Fund: This fund will scholarship children at our religious school whose family's might not be able to afford a Jewish education.
Emily Stillman Fund: Restricted fund to educate the community about meningitis, vaccine preventable diseases, and the importance of organ/tissue transplantation.
Ethan Bean Wellness Foundation: Restricted fund supporting programming and opportunities to strengthen the mental health of our members.
Flo Rita Bloch Education Innovation Fund: Helping inspire and create educational opportunities for all ages.
George & Celia Leikin Program Fund: Restricted fund providing opportunities to strengthen individuals emotionally and physically.
Goodman Fund for the Performing Arts: Restricted fund to bring unique and innovative performing arts to Temple Shir Shalom.
Hy & Esther Frank Family Assistance Fund: Restricted fund providing financial assistance for Temple’s educational opportunities for families in need.
James “Jamey" Moray Special Needs Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with programming for those with special needs.
Jami Ann Sanders Youth Fund: Restricted fund providing Shir Shalom youth with scholarships for experience expenses.
Jan Landsberg Education Fund: Restricted fund supporting lifelong learning at Temple Shir Shalom.
Jessica Foner Mazius Youth Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing religious school scholarships and financial assistance for children in need at Shir Shalom.
Jim Ginn Educational Arts Fund: Restricted fund supporting Temple’s art-based educational programming for our youth.
Lewis Basic Needs Fund: Restricted fund providing general assistance to individuals in need.
Liliann & Ely Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund to provide annual scholarships to students in need.
Lorraine & Al Rohan Madrichim Program Fund: Restricted fund helping to strengthen Madrichim programming, as well as enhancing the arts and education brought to our youth.
Louise Oram Preschool Programming Fund: Restricted fund providing support to the preschool by helping subsidize special programs for our youngest children and their families.
Lynn & Mindlin Maimonides Wellness Fund: Restricted fund for Temple members to subsidize and promote wellness and health education.
Marilyn Finkel-Brown Art Fund: Restricted fund to continue beautifying Temple by purchasing pieces of art for display and for the Temple art collection.
Marla Zuppke Youth Fund: Restricted fund subsidizing youth programming opportunities and scholarships for students in need.
Mary & Henry Raiber Memorial “Mensch” Fund: Restricted fund facilitating help to those in need through the kindness we are able to share.
Maura Levine Special Education Fund: Restricted Fund supporting special education and inclusion opportunities at Temple.
Michael Nosanchuk Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarships for school, camp, trips to Israel, and other trips for youth.
Monica Farris Linkner Adoption Fund: Restricted fund supporting families with the process and experience of adoption.
Myers/Janower Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund helping families in need with the expenses related to b’nai mitzvah education.
Nathan Youth Fund: Restricted fund creating opportunities to strengthen youth programming at Temple and providing financial assistance for opportunities to students in need.
Noreen & Barney Solomon Memorial Fund: Helping Temple honor and support Jewish war veterans.
Preschool Tributes / Giving: Assisting Temple Shir Shalom’s Preschool with everyday expenses.
Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Rabbi Daniel's discretion towards strengthening our community.
Rabbi Dannel I. Schwartz z"l Legacy Fund: Restricted fund promoting innovation and programming to sustain Shir Shalom into the future.
Rabbi Michael L. Moskowitz’s Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Rabbi Michael's discretion towards strengthening our community.
Rambam Tikkun Olam Fund:Restricted fund supporting social action initiatives in our community and around the world.
Religious School (SHORESH) Fund: Assisting Temple Shir Shalom’s Religious School with everyday expenses.
Religious School (SHORESH) Library Fund: Assisting with the purchase of new materials for our Religious School library.
Rita Seidman Education Fund: Supporting educational programs in our temple community.
Robert Fineman Memorial Building Fund: Helping maintain the beauty and elegance of our temple.
Sakwa Fund: Restricted fund creating opportunities for bettering our community and helping those in need.
Sandra & Giorgio Sonnino Fund: Restricted fund honoring founding members Sandra and Giorgio, to inspire new initiatives at Temple, and support youth scholarship opportunities.
Saperstein Preschool Fund: Restricted fund for funding the future of the Shir Shalom Preschool.
Schwartz-Averbuch Youth Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarship opportunities for Temple’s youth.
Shirlee E. Sachs Library Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with strengthening and developing our library.
Shirley R. and Irving H. Steinberg High Holiday Music Fund: Restricted fund helping support music opportunities during the High Holy Days.
Shir Shalom Temple Youth (SSTY): Supporting our high school's youth group (SSTY).
Steven Barkin Preschool Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund helps families with need-based scholarships for Temple Shir Shalom's Preschool.
Suzi Romanik Print Fund: Supporting innovative and creative printing projects for Temple Shir Shalom.
Temple Shir Shalom Audio/Video/Tech Fund: Restricted fund to subsidize the Audio/Video/Tech purchases at Temple for better online and in-person experiences.
Temple Shir Shalom Chaplaincy Fund: Restricted fund Supporting Shir Shalom’s Chaplaincy Program in ways to keep our members connected
Temple Shir Shalom General Fund: Donations go towards general expenditures at Temple.
Temple Shir Shalom Prayerbook Fund: Restricted fund for assisting with the creation and printing of new Temple Shir Shalom prayer books.
Temple Shir Shalom Voluntary Building Fund: Donations to go towards general maintenance and upgrades at Temple.
Torah Restoration and Repair Fund: Restricted fund supporting the preservation and lives of our Torahs.
Wallace Sampson Memorial Fund: Assisting Temple in building repair expenses.
Ziff Memorial Wall Fund: Maintaining the sanctity and beauty of the memorial wall that honors the memory of our loved ones.
Mon, March 3 2025
3 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Purim Shpiel Rehearsal : 7:00pm |
Friday Night
Shabbat Day
: 9:00am |
: 10:30am |
Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Sadie Goldman : 6:00pm |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 3 Purim Shpiel Rehearsal Monday, Mar 3 7:00pm |
Mar 4 |
Mar 4 Purim Shpiel Rehearsal Tuesday, Mar 4 7:00pm |
Mar 4 |
Mar 5 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat T'tzaveh
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
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