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Temple Shir Shalom Fund Descriptions

Adult and Children's Choir Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with programming for those with special needs.

Albert and Dorothy Fruman Foundation B’nai Mitzvah Fund: Restricted Fund supporting b’nai mitzvah families in need of assistance.

Art Fishman Burning Bush Fund: Restricted fund for the Burning Bush landscaping area at Temple.

Blank Family Endowment Fund: Restricted fund to benefit the musical programming for Temple Shir Shalom.

Cantor Penny M. Steyer Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Cantor Penny’s discretion towards strengthening our community.

Carole & Henry Frank Interfaith Garden: Maintaining the sanctity and beauty of the Interfaith garden.

Chernack-Ronie Family Fund: Restricted fund supporting Introduction to Judaism Educational Programming.

Cooper Family Music Fund: Restricted fund supporting music programming, musicians in residence and other musical opportunities at Temple.

Dana Wartell Cancer Support Fund: Restricted fund providing support to families experiencing the challenges of cancer.

Dr. Marni Grossfeld Kurjan Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarships to students needing financial assistance.

Ed and Judie Narens Memorial FundRestricted fund supporting programming which brings temple members together.

Eleanor Smith Religious School Children's Scholarship Fund: This fund will scholarship children at our religious school whose family's might not be able to afford a Jewish education. 

Emily Stillman Fund: Restricted fund to educate the community about meningitis, vaccine preventable diseases, and the importance of organ/tissue transplantation.

Ethan Bean Wellness Foundation: Restricted fund supporting programming and opportunities to strengthen the mental health of our members.

Flo Rita Bloch Education Innovation Fund: Helping inspire and create educational opportunities for all ages.

George & Celia Leikin Program Fund: Restricted fund providing opportunities to strengthen individuals emotionally and physically.

Goodman Fund for the Performing Arts: Restricted fund to bring unique and innovative performing arts to Temple Shir Shalom.

Hy & Esther Frank Family Assistance Fund: Restricted fund providing financial assistance for Temple’s educational opportunities for families in need.

James “Jamey" Moray Special Needs Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with programming for those with special needs.

Jami Ann Sanders Youth Fund: Restricted fund providing Shir Shalom youth with scholarships for experience expenses.

Jan Landsberg Education Fund: Restricted fund supporting lifelong learning at Temple Shir Shalom.

Jessica Foner Mazius Youth Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing religious school scholarships and financial assistance for children in need at Shir Shalom.

Jim Ginn Educational Arts Fund: Restricted fund supporting Temple’s art-based educational programming for our youth.

Lewis Basic Needs Fund: Restricted fund providing general assistance to individuals in need.

Liliann & Ely Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund to provide annual scholarships to students in need.

Lorraine & Al Rohan Madrichim Program Fund: Restricted fund helping to strengthen Madrichim programming, as well as enhancing the arts and education brought to our youth.

Louise Oram Preschool Programming FundRestricted fund providing support to the preschool by helping subsidize special programs for our youngest children and their families.

Lynn & Mindlin Maimonides Wellness Fund: Restricted fund for Temple members to subsidize and promote wellness and health education.

Marilyn Finkel-Brown Art Fund: Restricted fund to continue beautifying Temple by purchasing pieces of art for display and for the Temple art collection.

Marla Zuppke Youth Fund: Restricted fund subsidizing youth programming opportunities and scholarships for students in need.

Mary & Henry Raiber Memorial “Mensch” Fund: Restricted fund facilitating help to those in need through the kindness we are able to share.

Maura Levine Special Education Fund: Restricted Fund supporting special education and inclusion opportunities at Temple.

Michael Nosanchuk Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarships for school, camp, trips to Israel, and other trips for youth.

Monica Farris Linkner Adoption Fund: Restricted fund supporting families with the process and experience of adoption.

Myers/Janower Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund helping families in need with the expenses related to b’nai mitzvah education.

Nathan Youth Fund: Restricted fund creating opportunities to strengthen youth programming at Temple and providing financial assistance for opportunities to students in need.

Noreen & Barney Solomon Memorial Fund: Helping Temple honor and support Jewish war veterans.

Preschool Tributes / Giving: Assisting Temple Shir Shalom’s Preschool with everyday expenses.

Rabbi Daniel A. Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Rabbi Daniel's discretion towards strengthening our community.

Rabbi Dannel I. Schwartz z"l Legacy Fund: Restricted fund promoting innovation and programming to sustain Shir Shalom into the future.

Rabbi Michael L. Moskowitz’s Discretionary Fund: Restricted, donations are used at Rabbi Michael's discretion towards strengthening our community.

Rambam Tikkun Olam Fund:Restricted fund supporting social action initiatives in our community and around the world.

Religious School (SHORESH) Fund: Assisting Temple Shir Shalom’s Religious School with everyday expenses.

Religious School (SHORESH) Library Fund: Assisting with the purchase of new materials for our Religious School library.

Rita Seidman Education Fund: Supporting educational programs in our temple community.

Robert Fineman Memorial Building Fund: Helping maintain the beauty and elegance of our temple.

Sakwa Fund: Restricted fund creating opportunities for bettering our community and helping those in need.

Sandra & Giorgio Sonnino Fund: Restricted fund honoring founding members Sandra and Giorgio, to inspire new initiatives at Temple, and support youth scholarship opportunities.

Saperstein Preschool Fund: Restricted fund for funding the future of the Shir Shalom Preschool.

Schwartz-Averbuch Youth Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund providing scholarship opportunities for Temple’s youth.

Shirlee E. Sachs Library Fund: Restricted fund assisting Temple with strengthening and developing our library.

Shirley R. and Irving H. Steinberg High Holiday Music Fund: Restricted fund helping support music opportunities during the High Holy Days.

Shir Shalom Temple Youth (SSTY):  Supporting our high school's youth group (SSTY).

Steven Barkin Preschool Scholarship Fund: Restricted fund helps families with need-based scholarships for Temple Shir Shalom's Preschool.

Suzi Romanik Print Fund: Supporting innovative and creative printing projects for Temple Shir Shalom.

Temple Shir Shalom Audio/Video/Tech Fund: Restricted fund to subsidize the Audio/Video/Tech purchases at Temple for better online and in-person experiences.

Temple Shir Shalom Chaplaincy Fund: Restricted fund Supporting Shir Shalom’s Chaplaincy Program in ways to keep our members connected

Temple Shir Shalom General Fund: Donations go towards general expenditures at Temple.

Temple Shir Shalom Prayerbook Fund: Restricted fund for assisting with the creation and printing of new Temple Shir Shalom prayer books.

Temple Shir Shalom Voluntary Building Fund: Donations to go towards general maintenance and upgrades at Temple.

Torah Restoration and Repair Fund: Restricted fund supporting the preservation and lives of our Torahs.

Wallace Sampson Memorial Fund: Assisting Temple in building repair expenses.

Ziff Memorial Wall Fund: Maintaining the sanctity and beauty of the memorial wall that honors the memory of our loved ones.

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785