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Planned Giving


Vision 2020 & Beyond – Legacy Campaign
Invest in the future. Create a legacy. Secure our tomorrow.

Your donation to Temple Shir Shalom through a planned gift creates a lasting legacy. Together we can continue to build and strengthen Jewish identity into the next millennium. Your investment:

  • Enhances Programs – Building on strong and diverse programming, your Legacy commitment ensures excellence in Jewish education and Israel programs as well as continuing our strong connection to the arts.
  • Makes Mortgage Debt Retirement a Priority – Your legacy commitment will help us to pay off our mortgage, which will, in turn, free up funds to help pay for major capital improvements
  • Reduces our Annual Reliance on Dues and Fundraising – Legacy funds will make it easier to cover the annual costs of running Temple.


Giving is Easy! Many options are available...

  • Bequest: A donation established through a will.
  • Life Insurance: Name Temple Shir Shalom as beneficiary. The premiums are tax-deductible.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity: Provides you and/or your family with income for life. The remainder of the trust becomes the property of Temple Shir Shalom.
  • IRA or Pension Plan: Provides future income to Temple Shir Shalom and may provide significant tax advantages.


Please consult your financial and/or legal advisor as to the best way for you to give.
Download the commitment form now

For more information, contact Brian Fishman, Executive Director at (248) 737-8700.


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Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785