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		                            <span class="slider_description">SSTY High School Graduation Ceremony</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">4th & 5th Grade Retreat</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">5th Grade Honors Shabbat</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">SSTY at Cedar Point</span>


Shir Shalom's Religious School

SHORESH offers a comprehensive Hebrew and Judaic education for children in preschool through high school.

The SHORESH mission is for our children to love their Judaism.

Our religious school is committed to educating our students and their families to become knowledgeable Jews, while providing them with the tools in which to lead meaningful Jewish lives and be responsible members of the Jewish community.

Click the following section headers to learn more:

Preschool to 6th Grade

Madrichim — 7th & 8th Grade

Shir Shalom Temple Youth (SSTY) — 9th to 12th Grade

Machonikim — Teaching Assistant Opportunity for 7th to 12th Grade


Registration for SHORESH

Registration for the 2024 — 2025 SHORESH school year is open!

Members can register their children by first logging into their account. In the navigation menu, under "My Account" click on "Start School Enrollment".

Please contact Alisa for assistance if you are having difficulty registering your child(ren).


1) Photo of Child(ren)

Please email a recent photo of your child(ren) to Alisa.

2) Current Vaccinations or Medical Waiver

Vaccination information or waivers can be mailed or faxed to Temple (248-737-8862), attention Alisa.


1) Need Based Scholarship Form

Please do not let finances stop you from registering. Thanks to the generosity of our members and our local Jewish Federation, we are able to provide need-based scholarships. If you have any questions, please contact Alisa.

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Preschool to 6th Grade

Our preschool to 6th grade SHORESH religious education program engages students in interactive, experiential and meaningful learning in order to foster a love of Judaism.

Every Sunday morning includes Judaic studies, Hebrew and community-building activities as well as a short service and song session for students and families.

SHORESH utilizes a “camp model,” meaning we strive to make Sunday school like Jewish summer camp. Like camp, we create meaningful relationships and build an emotional connection to our Jewish community through music, art, activity and SHORESH ruach (spirit)!

SHORESH preschool to 6th grade meets Sunday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM. See our updated SHORESH calendar. You can also click here for a downloadable PDF calendar.

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7th & 8th Grade

Our Madrichim program strives to create young leaders within our Jewish community. Our 7th- and 8th-grade programs keep our students engaged in Temple life by providing meaningful, innovative and individualized Jewish learning experiences.

This program takes a new approach to Jewish education, using “camp style,” experiential and social learning in concentrated blocks of time. The Madrichim program has a special cadre of teachers and specialists, including our rabbis, working with our students to form bonds and explore Jewish themes in a very focused way, one that includes social action as its centerpiece.

7th Grade: B’tzelem Elohim (Living in the Image of God)

The theme of the 7th Grade Madrichim program is B’tzelem Elohim (living in the image of God). Our 7th graders, along with Rabbi Daniel and staff, meet twice a month. Through discussion, engaging activities and social events, our 7th graders explore their own Jewish identity and place in the Jewish community as they become bar and bat mitzvah. Click here for the 7th Grade Madrichim calendar.

8th Grade: Social Action Corps / Tikkun Olam (Repairing our World)

Our 8th Grade Madrichim program focuses on Social Action and Tikkun Olam (repairing our world). The 8th grade Social Action Corps looks at some of the challenges our Detroit community faces through a Jewish lens and dedicates the year to volunteer work. In a fun and social environment, our 8th graders discuss the importance of social action as individuals and as Jews. Click here for the 8th Grade Madrichim calendar.

To RSVP for your child for an upcoming Madrichim Program (7th and/or 8th Grade), please click HERE.

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Shir Shalom Temple Youth (SSTY)

9th to 12th Grade

Shir Shalom Temple Youth (SSTY) is for our high school students grades 9 to 12. We believe that engaging our teens in Temple life and community will instill a love of Judaism and a strong sense of Jewish identity as our students become young adults.

SSTY meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Temple. We enjoy dinner and social time together before engaging in group discussions and activities centered around our theme: Being a Jew in a non-Jewish world. Our goal is to create a safe space where our teens feel valued as individuals, accepted for who they are and encouraged to explore their Judaism.

In addition to Sunday nights, SSTY offers fun social programming outside of Temple including regular events and a yearly weekend trip. Our SSTY board of peer-elected teens works closely with the rabbis and the SSTY Advisor to create meaningful programming for all of our high school studentsClick here for the downloadable SSTY calendar.

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Teaching Assistant Opportunity for 7th to 12th Grade

Machon is Hebrew for "institute," and we believe that our Machonikim — our teen classroom assistants — are an institution here at SHORESH.

Our Machonikim program is for students between 7th and 12th grade who are interested in helping to facilitate our Sunday morning SHORESH Religious School program. Machonikim receive a placement in a classroom or administrative area for the year where they develop leadership skills, help build the SHORESH community and serve as role models for our preschool to 6th grade students.

Machonikim are placed on a rolling basis and applications come in rapidly, so please submit your materials as soon as possible. Students can complete the online application and parents should enroll their child(ren) along with SHORESH enrollment.

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Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785