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Mazel Tov!
We are excited to celebrate your love and partnership with you! Our clergy works with each couple to create a ceremony that blends Jewish customs and traditions. We want to help you along the way by answering the many questions frequently asked by engaged couples. 

To schedule your wedding with our clergy, please contact the Temple Office at (248) 737-8700. 

Personalized Ceremonies and Celebrations
Temple Shir Shalom offers many options for celebrating your wedding. We have space for a small Rabbis study wedding to a large celebration. To discuss options, please contact the Temple office at (248) 737-8700. 

Platinum Dish Catering
Temple Shir Shalom's in-house caterer enjoys a reputation for outstanding food and service. Please contact Paul Wertz, proprietor of Platinum Dish Catering, or his staff for assistance in your oneg/party planning decisions. For more information, do not hesitate to call Platinum Dish Catering at (947) 207-9957. 

Lifecycle         |        Baby Naming / Brit Milah        |        B'nai Mitzvah        |        Confirmation       |        Weddings        |        Remembering

PHOTO CREDITS: Brett Mountain and TSS Staff

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785